Embracing Uncertainty: My Journey to Finding Meaning in Travel

Zahra Iman Khan
4 min readOct 16, 2023


Some say travelling is running away from something, but for me, travel is running toward my dreams and passion for discovering everything that this world has to offer. Staying in one place and never exploring beyond our comfort zones, to me, would be like running away from life itself.

photos taken by @straightouttalens

Breaking The Mould

I have always done the right thing: diligently following the path that society and my family considered the right one. School led to university, and university led to work. No gaps for exploration, no detours for self-discovery.

After graduating from university in 2020 I found myself at a crossroads. I wanted to travel but I didn’t have the funds or confidence that such a choice would be supported by my family.

So, I chose something that was safer option — the Canary Islands, the hottest place in Europe in the winter! The island was close enough to home to provide comfort and ease my parents’ anxiety, it also promised an escape from the dreary British winters. And so my journey started in the autumn of 2020 where I would spend the next two years teaching English.

Sunset at the promenade in the capital, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Discovering the Unexpected: Sun, Surf, and Self-Discovery

My life in the Canaries was nothing short of amazing. I discovered new parts of myself. I even discovered a new passion, surfing, and connected with other like-minded travellers, digital nomads, and Erasmus students. It was like a cultural melting pot, and in this beach city, I felt truly authentic.

The Natural Pools in Agaete, North of Gran Canaria

However, there was always a “but.” While I was undoubtedly living my dream life, experiencing rich adventures and making incredible friendships, there was a constant sense of unfulfillment, especially regarding my career. Yes, my life was so abundant with experiences, but I was battling with feelings of being lost, uncertain of my purpose in this world.

My biggest fear was ending up in a job that I despised, and it became clear that teaching wasn’t my true passion.

Packing Bags and Taking Risks: The Pursuit of True Calling

So, with a heavy heart and a deep sense of purpose, I made the difficult choice to pack my bags and move back in with my parents, to try to find a career that aligned, which I began exploring in 2022 and throughout 2023.

After rejoining the corporate hustle and bustle of London, it became abundantly clear that this life wasn’t the one for me. It was then, in the summer of 2023, that I jumped at the opportunity to work in a surf camp in the North of Spain.

I wanted to return to a simple life that truly brought me happiness: being close to the ocean, surfing and being surrounded by like-minded people.

This brings me back to now, in the present back at home in the UK. Now that the summer season for surf camps has ended, I’m back at my parents' place surrounded by the familiar, but I feel like a stranger in my own life.

This summer, taught me so much about myself — check out my previous article to understand just how transformative this summer was for me — but now I’m questioning my next steps and my purpose in this world. Is this what they call a quarter-life crisis?

Choosing the Road Less Travelled

In the midst of my quarter-life panic, a close friend shared some advice:

“spending time feeling lost is infinitely better than spending your life in a cubicle at an office, staring at a screen, doing something you absolutely hate.”

And so with that mindset as my North Star, I am using it to frame my next chapter. I am having my very own Eat, Pray, Love moment. I’ve decided to hit the pause button on corporate life and book a one-way ticket to Sri Lanka. I’m getting ready to pack my bags and start a journey of self-discovery.

Embracing the Uncertainty

During my time in the Canaries and at the surf camp, surrounded by fellow travellers, I learnt so much about myself. I think that’s the magic of travel; it opens you to new experiences and uncovers new parts of yourself.

I’ve decided to embrace this journey with open arms, willing to take the risk.

Even though I don’t have a concrete plan in hand, I have a strong belief that I’ll figure it out as I explore. Who knows, maybe I’ll even stumble upon a career path I never knew I wanted.

I’m absolutely terrified but I know that this is exactly when I should take that leap of faith.


After having always done the right thing. I am having an Eat, Pray, Love moment and booking a one-way ticket to Sri Lanka on a quest for self-discovery. I truly believe that travelling is the best investment I can make while I’m young. Money will come back, but time will not.

